What’s on

19 January – 13 March 2022

Children & Families

Orleans House Gallery

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Family Field Explorers Needed!

19 January – 13 March 2022

Children & Families

Orleans House Gallery

Collect your free activity pack from Orleans House Gallery reception. Explore the tide, eels and the sights and sounds of the river Thames.

The pack is designed for children aged 4-11 years to complete with a grown up. Most activities can be completed inside the gallery spaces, but families are invited to collect observations from the river Thames as well.

The pack is inspired by the river Thames and has been created by Brow of a God/Jaw of a Devil collaborator Alexis Rider who is studying for a Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research is situated between the history of science, environmental history and the environmental humanities.

The pack has been designed by Emma Thrussell.

Want more river-inspired activities to do at home? The Thames Estuary Partnership, who have supported this project, have some further activities about eels. Scroll to the bottom for a list of facts and activities and learn more about eely. You can also find out more about the Tidal Thames and explore the tidal path.