Thursday 30 May 2019
Summer is here! Dates for your Diaries
Welcome June! Your Summer starts here… grab a pen and add these dates to your diary today. We have plenty of FREE unique creative opportunities for all ages as Grottos season commences.

What is Grottos Season we hear you say?
Grottos season focuses on spaces, places; real and imagined, historical and created. Richmond is home to some of London’s most famous Grottos (Pope’s Grotto, Marble Hill Grotto and the Shell Grotto at Hampton Court Palace). Inspired by these mysterious, magical, secret spaces our exhibitions and events will explore our relationship with the artificial and the natural world whilst inciting questions about safe spaces, sanctuaries and retreats.
How can I get involved?
Throughout June you can visit, contribute, and make your creative mark in our ‘Laboratory’ as we prepare for the immersive Exhibition, The Overview Effect. Artists Abby and Alice will run a series of Playtests to transform the gallery into a Grotto future world, whilst our main gallery artists will be preparing their multi-sensory Grottofying exhibition.
With an abundance of events, talks, workshops and two brand new interactive exhibitions we’ve got your Summer covered!
Hmm… I’m quite busy – Why should I come?
It’s FREE to visit, see, make and create. Everyone is welcome – so come and engross yourselves in unique new experiences that will surprise, engage and intrigue.
And don’t worry if you can’t get to the gallery, you can get involved digitally (watch this space!), so wherever you are and whatever you are doing you can still make a creative contribution and join us on our #OhGrottos mission.
Ok! So.. What now?
Make room in your diary, write the dates down and come join the #OhGrottos season; tell your friends, neighbours and that person you see on the bus everyday. The more the merrier!
Follow #OhGrottos & #Orleanshousegallery on facebook, twitter and Instagram and check for all updates and announcements
Dates for Your Diary
PLAYTESTS – The Overview Effect
1 ) 8th – 9th June
2 ) 18 – 19th June
3 ) 20th June
4 ) 21st June
5 ) 22nd June
LABORATORY – The Overview Effect
8-9th June – Outdoor Installation and Playtest event (10 – 4pm)
4th July – Exhibition Launch (times TBC)
9th / 16th / 23rd July – Talks series (more information coming soon)
4th August – Playcation Event (more information coming soon)