Monday 18 May 2020
Found in the Orleans House Gallery Shop!
Learn more about the artists, makers and producers that are featured in our gallery shop. Today we look at Jennie Ing, who works with relief printing.
Jennie Ing - Leaving a Strong Impression

Jennie trained in print-making at Croyden College and Wimbledon School of Art. Her dramatic, contemporary images of local buildings and central London landmarks are inspired by her interest in architecture as well as the patterns, colours and repetition to be found in the urban environment.
They are relief prints produced by using the reduction method, which allows the artist to achieve bold layers of colour. Each colour is printed separately from a lino block. Once a colour has been laid onto paper, further blocks of colour are printed by cutting away the lino and inking the remaining area … continuing until the finished print is achieved.
All of this is done by and on the splendid Victorian Albion printer shown in our photograph.
There is no going back using the reduction block method and the whole edition must be finished at the same time.

The results are a range of strong and vibrant prints that make characterful additions to every living space. Jennie’s images of the White Swan Pub and the Octagon Room are immensely popular. We also have her range of greetings cards.