Monday 21 March 2022
In conversation with Alexandra Sivov
Too much Information… Or Not Enough is an exhibition of prints and paintings by Alexandra Sivov inspired by the use of images in mass media, specifically how the arrangement of seemingly unconnected scenes can uncover hidden meanings. The show is currently on display at Orleans House Gallery as part of the Emerging Artist Programme and runs until Sunday 10 April.
We caught up with Alex after the opening of the show to find out more about her artistic practice.

What/who are your biggest artistic influences?
I have many, I think! But the most influential are: Kara Walker, for her illusion of beautiful scenes that become crueller and uglier once we pay attention to what they represent. This conflict between beauty and ugliness is very interesting.
Sigmar Polke for his strange juxtapositions of objects on his canvas; which, once we get acquainted to the work, make perfect sense. For the work he asks the viewer to do when looking at the work, and the reward we feel when one understands his work like no one else. Corita Kent for her silkscreens, her game words and text, which relate to her time; and for her spirit and personality.
Where do you find your inspiration?
I find my inspiration in the news and social media when trying to find the truth among all the distractions!
Describe how/why art is important to society
Just imagine a society without images…

How do you develop your artistic practice?
I go see many exhibitions and read lots of articles about other artists’ practices. The way people create as well as their vision is fascinating and inspiring.
How do you manage a work-life balance as an artist?
I don’t! I am very bad. When I start a project, I cannot stop until it is done. Sometimes I wish I did not need to sleep! Plus, I invade any space of my studio and my home! My family sees it like mushrooms, things are growing everywhere until the space is all gone! Paints, brushes and other things appear everywhere!

Too Much Information… Or Not Enough is part of the Emerging Artist Programme. Click here to find out more about the exhibition: The Exhibition and click here to find out more about the programme and the other artists featured: The Programme