What’s on

22 September 2024
1 - 2pm and 2.30 - 3.30pm

Children & Families

Orleans House Gallery

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Let’s Get Creative – Costume, Creature, Creativity

22 September 2024
1 - 2pm and 2.30 - 3.30pm

Children & Families

Orleans House Gallery

Create a character or creature and dress your grownup, your sibling or yourself!  

In this workshop led by artist Kate Howe, children choose from five basic elements to create a character or creature. These basic elements will be pre-made out of Kate Howe’s Templum material: wrinkled industrial kraft waxed paper.  

Please wear clothes you can move in and don’t mind getting dirty!

The elements are: 
Cape/Wings/Floaty bit

While assembling our creatures, we will explore the sounds and movements they might make, and, if time permits, we may do a short Butoh-ka inspired group dance with these sounds and costume pieces. Butoh is a Japanese dance style where people move very slowly and express big emotions. 

Let’s Get Creative is aimed at families with children aged 4-11 years, though all are welcome. Sessions are free and run regularly throughout the year.    

Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.